Decree 34 of 2021

Decree 34 of 2021 was issued by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Ruler of Dubai on 14th September 2021 (‘Decree’); and, took effect from 20 September.

The Decree concerns the arbitration centres in Dubai, and effectively abolishes the DIFC Arbitration Institute and the Emirates Maritime Arbitration Centre (EMAC). It aims to consolidate all arbitration proceedings in Dubai under the existing Dubai International Arbitration Centre (‘DIAC’). All property, staff and cases will thus be transferred to DIAC.

This seems to be a move to support DIAC which was a key player in international arbitration in Dubai, particularly during the glory years of 2004 to 2008. However, recently it has attracted mainly UAE parties with the international arbitrations shifting towards DIFC-LCIA.

Some view this as a step in the overall ambition to a modernise and rationalise the current structures. There is an optimism that these changes will hopefully strengthen Dubai’s reputation within the arbitration community both regionally and worldwide.

To read more, download the full Bulletin here:
Decree 34 of 2021


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