Delay Analysis

Construction projects are often subject to delays, irrespective of which party is to blame. Delay analysis identifies why delays occur on a construction project and the impact they are expected to have on the overall programme.

Delays in construction can be the contractors fault, for example, insufficient labour on site, cash-flow issues or inadequate project planning. Equally this can be due to reasons not due to the fault of the contractors, including but not limited to, unusual weather conditions, interruptions in material supply, or conflicting or missing information in contract documents.

When delays occur, a party may be able to seek a time extension to compensate for the delay. In this case, they can submit a claim to the client outlining the cause and reasons for the delay, however analysing who is at fault for the delay is a highly complex process and one which may lead to disputes.

Delay analysis can be undertaken prospectively, retrospectively, or contemporaneously, during the delay. There are five widely used methods of delay analysis:

- Impacted As-Planned Analysis

- Collapsed As-Built Analysis

- As-Planned vs. As-Built Windows Analysis

- Time Impact Analysis

- Time Slice Windows Analysis

To read more, download the full insight here:
Delay Analysis


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